lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010

2012 and the Final Time of the Bible

The Final Time of the Bible
(Section 5)

By Wally Santos

The Final Time of the Bible

During a lot of time it´s has been speaking in different Media about the topic of the Mayan prophecies and the "End of the world" in the year 2012. Many people wonder, Really… What will pass in December 21 the 2012? How ambient there will be the morning of December 22?, Etc.

Only with the fact of establishing a date, it is already reason of uncertainty. When revising the history, we see that many pseudo-prophets "predicted" many catastrophes. Some said that the Messiah had already come in his public manifestation (as King) and others that the arrival of the year 2000 would be a world chaos. Not there is doubt that in the humanity there are always people or entities that look for reasons to maintain the attention (or the fear) of the societies. I remember that a couple of years ago, it began to be published some interesting data about the Mayan oracles for the year 2012. I took that publication to the classroom of my students (of Sciences of the Communication) because I wanted to see their reaction with topics of this nature. The reactions were the awaited ones, they began to ask if really would happen those things. The text of the magazine spoke of a "era" change, of some "apocalyptic" repercussions, and the arrival of the "End of the World."

From that occasion observed that the topic of the Mayan prophecies went charging interest more and more, and they woke up all type of passions in people. It seemed that they makes them think about the future and their your major worry is its personal security, and your family. Some of my students were brought near separated and they admitted me that those things, it scared them a lot. They asked me him to explain to them something of the "End of the world." Well, I talked them something about Apocalypse and the plan of God for us, the human. The curious thing is that they asked me if I was afraid about this (2012), and of course, I told them that I was not afraid.

They didn't understand the reason I was not afraid, I explained to them that being in Christ those fears leaves, and for the faith, we have promises of eternal life. Also, if God prepared to take us out of this world, I already knew to where I would go, to my Father's house. Also, that some of my students felt very restless for several days and some could not sleep because of the fear. And this way there are a lot of people in the world, with a lot of fear for the "events" that will come in the 2012. Although the Bible speaks about Judgments that will come, not because the Mayan have said it, but because it is written in Bible.

One of the most beautiful promises that find in the Bible, is in John 10:27-29: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give eternal life to them. They will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one is able to snatch them out of my Father’s hand.”

So in Christ Jesus is sure that anything will move us away from Him, and our eternity already began when we receive Christ in our heart. When being in Christ, we have the security that Him us guard of dangers, but if it was not this way, there are always purposes on behalf of God for our life. The apostle Paul preached in many places, but it also suffered adverse situations by reason of the Gospel, for example, in 1 Thess. 3:7 say: “for this cause, brothers, we were comforted over you in all OUR DISTRESS AND AFFLICTION through your faith”. In Acts 14:19 (NVI) say: “Then some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over. They STONED PAUL AND DRAGGED HIM outside the city, THINKING HE WAS DEAD." However, in other portions of the Bible we observe that God freed Paul of other dangers.

Although the topic that today approaches us is not on the tribulations, it is important to have in our mind that, whatever happens, anything it will move us away from the love of God. In our Christian walk we will face many enemies (Of meat and bone, and also spiritual), but God will also liberate us of other enemies and we will see the power of God showing.

Conform to we bring near a year 2012, more and more we see in the Media, topics with respect to this year. They speak about the Mayan prophecies, the prophecies of Nostradamus, XXIII Juan's prophecies and of a great number of eccentrics that the only thing they want is to take water to their mill or to scare people.

The "end of the world", as many wants to understand it, it´s won't still come. In the Book of Matthew 24:4-6 say: "Jesus answered, he told them: Look that nobody deceives you. Because many will come on my behalf, saying: "I am the Christ", and they will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. Care! You are not alarmed, because it is necessary that all this happens; BUT STILL NOT IS THE END." (Aramaic Version).

This is true, we are in the "times of the end", but not in the days of the "End of World", as many they say to infuse fear in people. The Bible, clearly expressed that we are in the beginning of birth pains, that is to say, the Bible compares these times like the childbirth pains in a woman. When a woman is waiting a baby, and they begin her the childbirth pains, it´s doesn't mean that immediately the boy is born, but it begins the process and "soon he will be born” this one, the rhythm and the frequency of the pains will indicate the precise moment of the birth. In the following verses, Matthew 24:7-8 say: "Because nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be hungers, pests and earth tremors here and there. But all this is THE PRINCIPLE OF THE PAINS OF CHILDBIRTH." (Aramaic Version).

Personally I believe that we are already in the stage of “The principle of the childbirth pains”. Many of the prophecies that God gave to its true prophets (Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel, etc.) they have already been completed and they will continue being fulfilled. The shepherd that shepherded my life, during 18 years. Dr. Othoniel Ríos Paredes (who is already with the Lord), taught us many topics with respect to the final times and he always was saying to us (with the biblical respective references) us that the times of the end were already living them. And that whole wealth of biblical knowledge was about storing it in my heart.

Every day that happens, new doctrines and philosophies arise talking about spiritual and apocalyptic topics. Although this "apocalyptic" term is he bad using in the Media, because they refer to this term as synonymous of catastrophe, chaos, death, annihilation, etc. When the true sense of that word is "Revelation", Apocalypse it is the "Book of the Revelations". That is to say, God left there what should come for the humanity and for the children of God. Apocalypse, according to the dictionary Strong's says that: "apokalupto" (Strongn´s ref. 601) It can mean: “A laying bear, making naked, a disclosure of truth, instruction. Concerning things before unknown. Used of events by which things or states or persons hitherto withdrawn from view are made visible to all. Manifestation, appearance”. So in this beautiful Book we find the "Revelation" of how they will be the final times.

How to know that we are already in the Final Times?

In Book of Daniel, chapter. 12, we find a description of the time of the end; but specifically in the verse 4 read: (NVI Spanish) "You, Daniel, keeps these things secretly and it seals the book until the time of the end, because many will run to and fro in search of any knowledge."

And the King James version says: "But you, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

I wanted to include the verse 4 of these 2 versions of the Bible, because they open us a very wide panorama so that we understand in a better way this message. God "reveals" him a series of events from the final time to the prophet Daniel and this verse 4 are the key of when it would be completed. First: this verse says that this prophecy would be sealed (closed, hidden, without understanding) until the time of the end.

The Hebrew word that is used for "TIME" is “ `eth” (6256), and means precisely: Time (of an event), the time (as we frequently use it, for example referring a hour), experiences (of the moment to live something), occurrence (of the verb to happen) and occasion.

Regarding the word "END" in Hebrew is used: “qets” (7093) and means in two aspects: A) End (referring at the time) and, B) End (of space).

And the Hebrew word for "SCIENCE" is: “da'ath” (1847) that could have two meanings:
A) Knowledge (in the sense of knowledge, science, perception or learned skill).
B) In the sense of Discernment, Understanding, Wisdom (or sanity).

Now, based on these definitions, and with the help of The Lord, we can see that the "understanding" of those events that they revealed to Daniel would be for the "end of the times", (an era, cycle, space) and not of the "end of the World" (destruction) like they indicate it the Media. But... what "time" means the "final"? Obviously to the contextual moment of all that Matthew 24 says. Of course, in this chapter there are many "sub-events" that it is not the reason of being of this article.

I gets me the attention the version NVI, it gives a very interesting "light": “because many will run to and fro in search of any knowledge." Only for curiosity it enters the NET and write "prophecies 2012" and they will appear him 2.310.000 (Two millions 310 thousand sites aprox.) where you can find relating information it is this. Of course, most of that information is of doubtful origin. Why are there so many sources of this information? Because many (thousands or millions) go of a side to other wanting to know (knowledge) more than the end. But the saddest thing, is that they don't go to the only Book that can give them the appropriate answer, THE BIBLE (to acquire Wisdom). They want "science" of the world, but not the "wisdom" of God.

Not it is necessary to forget that the "increment of the science", is also part of the signs of the final time. That is to say, we are in the precise moment where God will reveal its Word to who they look for it.

You can see in Matthew 24 that there many events are described, but I want to underline something very important. In the Verse 14 (Aramaic Version) says: “And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the entire world for testimony of all the nations, and then the end of the fixed time will come”.

When being increased the science in all their branches, as sign of the final time, God is telling us that this Gospel will be preached to all the nations for testimony of them, that is to say that, not necessarily "all the nations" will become to the Lord., but at least they will have listened that there are a True God and only one road toward God named Jesus Christ, and they will see the ministers of the Lord supported by the power of the Holly Spirit. Then, the end of the fixed time will come.

One of those technological advances, is the COMPUTER SCIENCE'S field. We live in an era, that the communicators we call the "Information Age" or of the "Telecommunications." This "Era or Age" has been thanks to the invention and advances of the computation. This science has allowed the discovery of many other things in all the fields of the other sciences. Thanks to this technology (Computer science), God allowed to a group of scientists to discover something astonishing, The Codes Bible (of which we already speak something in the 4 previous articles).

It has been necessary to expose the 4 previous chapters, so that starting from now, we can have a higher level of understanding about one of the objectives of God for these times that we are living, to show us that His word, is His Word, The Bible.

Now, in the following article I will show them something of the many things that they say the biblical codes with respect to the year 2012, and once again we will see that the Word of God is effective TODAY.

God follows you blessing.

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010

Codes Bible – Finding

Codes Bible – Finding
(Section 4)

By Wally Santos

The codes that they have found speak of historical data:

Information obtained in several of the hundred of existent pages in Internet says that "a group of 8 scientific Israelis was divided in 2 investigation groups, one directed by the professor Wienes (Haifa University) and another directed by the professor Moshe Katz (Barilan University) with the purpose of making an investigation work on the first 5 books of the Bible or Torah, using scientific processes as the mathematical method through computers of high resolution looking for words and expressions for jumps of letters but with codes and more specific frequencies and also using "the reading of two dimensions" (the equivalent one to the "soup of letters") reading the biblical texts as if it was a followed movie, that is to say without spaces among the letters.

This group takes 20 years of work and it has consulted to other scientists as Rosemberg, Daron Witzum, D. Kazhdan and statistical worldwide well-known as Elie Mertsavach, but they have only published a very small part of their discoveries for the "evident repercussions" that this would have in the world and the religions.

The rabbi Weismendel said that the Bible contains coded true messages which are finding eliminating certain number of letters according the frequency to elected (it can be each 7, 50 or 23) and this is called "code." He discovered this way that among the 5 books of Bible a great symmetry existed and later on the computers demonstrated that it could not be fruit of the random.

Many of the codes describe historical and prophetic facts for that time, but for us today they are no longer it, that is to say, the past and the present can be sounded through this methodology, among those discoveries they are:

 1 – The Shoa: it is the historical term to designate the extermination of the Jewish people of Europe for Hitler during Second World War. In the expression "Nimrod vigorous hunter before Jehova" appear "enemy", "Hitler", if we continue with the squares (Array Data) to appears "Ashkenaz" that is the Hebrew name of Germany, "Nazi", "slaughter", "Hitler", "he will exterminate" and all this finds in the verse “the man's heart is bad from its youth" Genesis 8:21.

2 - The French Revolution: a array data of 647 letters allows to read in  Genesis 44:5 the following thing: "in France" and "the king Luis", "Hem " in Gen. 39:20 and "terror", it "guillotines" in Gen. 43:32 and in Gen. 40:19 when José tells to the official of the Pharaoh: “in 3 days Pharaoh will remove your head of above you...” to appear "cut head", "decapitated" and a date 21-1 and "Marseillais."

3 - The president's murder Sadat: Egyptian president that died murdered while it´s was carried out a parade in 1981. In Gen. 18:23 appear "a president it will be killed during a parade", "1981, "Conspiracy" "Hadad murderer" and "last name Istambuli."

4- Mathematical laws, theorems and names of who they invented them: Proudhon, Newton, Kock.

5 - Illnesses: virus, diabetes, name of the medicine “insulin” and “AIDS” (in Gen. 5:11, 6:12, 19:54) and a great quantity of more discoveries.

Biblical Codes – Antecedents (3)

Biblical Codes – Antecedents (3)
(Section 3)

By Wally Santos
Not it was but up to 40 years later, when the age of the digital world did his appearance; that the analysis for computer allowed to carry out these much quicker processes, what allowed the discovery of an entire universe of possibilities to find such codes. Although Weissmandl found many words or names coded through a manual process in search of letters, he didn't leave any registration of its discoveries. However, some of their students had the initiative of writing down their teacher's examples, regarding the topic of the Biblical Codes.

The years passed and a later decade, these students had access to more potent computers where they tested this knowledge in the Center of Compute of the School of Technology of Jerusalem, in the Hebrew University, making reality

the dream of Weissmandl. Some of the rabbi's students Weissmandl, transmitted this information to mathematical Eliyahu Rips who helped by its collaborators, they undertook this phenomenal job, discovering those famous CODES OF THE BIBLE. (Previous investigations were also carried out by the scientist and mathematical Isaac Newton who dedicated great part their last years old from their life to the study and search of these Biblical Codes, to those that he called “Hidden messages”).

Biblical Codes – Antecedents

Biblical Codes – Antecedents
(Section 2)

By Wally Santos


In the XIV Century, the rabbi Rabbeynu Bachayah noticed that in Torah a pattern of letters was described (Torah is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible). Six hundred years later, (20 Century) in the decade of the years 20's the rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl (1903-1957), Jew-Czechoslovakian brilliant erudite in astronomy, mathematics and Hebrew studies, found the old writings of rabbi's Bachayah. The previous years to Second World War, Weissmandl began to explore some examples of codes written in Torah. Already during Second World War, he discovered certain words or significant sentences. It experienced that when forming jumps to each certain number of letters, they could be formed these words, with which were formed sentences, eliminated the spaces of course. Due to this jump of Words, he was called to this procedure "Equidistant Letter Sequence” or (ELS).

This discovery caused a great astonishment in Weissmandl, when finding a great quantity of words coded (or hide) in Torah to equidistant intervals. The intervals were of different quantities in letters, for example, a letter to each 22 letters, they formed coherent words. Where each code (or sentence) to search for was to certain interval in the previously described way, in the Hebrew language. Of course, the Rabbi Weissmandl was not totally sure if this discovery was really significant or not.

The Bible Codes

The Bible Codes
(Section 1)
By Wally Santos

Surely, for many people that read this article, this topic is new and they don't know to what they refer the biblical codes.


In simple words, they are words that are hidden in the text of Torah (he first five books of the Old Testament). These words or codes, are formed letter for letter to each 10, 20 or "X" quantity of distance letters the one of the other one (without including the spaces that separate the words or punctuation signs). When it´s takes that range of separation of 10, 20 or "X" quantity of letters, they are formed "letter array " (producing a regular grid of text ) from that selected quantity.

For example: Let us suppose that we take the range of 10 letters. Then we place the biblical text with a maximum longitude of 10 letters (or characters = Ch), after the 10 letters, we continue in the following line, and in that way successively, until the text that interests us to investigate concluding. At the end, we will have kind of a "grid" of letters (similar to the games that we call "Soup of Letters"). To this grid it´s called "Data Array” And it is in this Data Array they can form words in vertical form, diagonal, etc. To this method they call him the investigating " Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS). Of course that with the arrival of the computers, this process is made to a great speed.

Restrictive? According to the investigators, it only works in the Hebrew Bible (in Hebrew language).